What are Data Structures?



      A Data Structure is an organized way to store data in the computer so that it can be accessed and used frequently.


 There are two basics categories of data structures:
             i. Linear Data Structures
             ii. Non-Linear Data Structures

Linear Data Structures:

         Linear Data Structures are the types of data structures where data is organized in a line format or in a linear order or you may say in a sequential order.
    Linear data Structures includes:
                            i. Arrays
                            ii. Linked list
                            iii. Stacks
                            iv. Queues
                            v. Strings
The image below shows how data is arranged in a linear order in linear data structure:

Non-Linear Data Structures:

           Non-Linear Data Structures are the types of data structures where data is not organized a sequential order or in a line.
    Non-Linear data Structures includes:
                            i. Trees
                            ii. Graphs
                            iii. Heaps
                            iv. Tries
                            v. Hash Tables
                            vi. Skip Lists
The image below shows how data arranged in non linear data structure:

Uses of Data Structures:

           Data Structures are vital components of computer programming and have many uses and advantages. Summary is this understanding the properties or characteristics and performing is very important for designing the fast and accurate algorithms and software applications.
Understanding of Data structures help you a lot in problem managing and solving techniques.

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